President Joan Tierno welcomed all. New member, Ruth Uhey, was present and was introduced. We had two guests, Louise and Loretta. We hope they enjoyed the meeting and we would love to welcome them back.
Joan is awaiting information about the Group Correspondence Course that several members are participating in.
National Emails - Joan reminded all of us of what National has to offer through the website. Make sure to check the next email from National for all the petite projects, lectures, and classes available to you with your EGA membership.
Committee Report
Treasurer’s Report - Caryl provided an account balance which includes the most recent deposit from eBay sales by Fireside Stitchery. Caryl has filed all National Reports.
Membership - We have 36 current members. Member Diana T just renewed and she shared the renewal process was easy. She received notification from National and followed the necessary steps to renewal her membership without any problems.
Caryl C participated in the THaP class at Camp WannaStitch in January in Ocean City, Maryland. (THaP - Take Home a Project) The linen and instructions were distributed. Caryl started with Rows 4, 5 and 6 at the center of the project. Using a whiteboard she illustrated how to do the Smyrna Cross. The second stitch in the project is the Cross Stitch. It is to be placed four threads above the Smyrna Cross. The last stitch in the assignment to be done before the March Meeting is the Rice Stitch. Again Caryl used the whiteboard to show the stitch path. Remember to place the Rice Stitch four threads above the Cross Stitch. The stitch instructions included as good and easy to follow. A pdf of the instructions was included in the Newsletter. Caryl has more linen if you would like to do the project, The cost for the linen is $5.
February - THaP, Needle Book, Rows 4, 5 and 6
March - THaP, Needle Book continues, Rows 1, 2 and 3
April - Annual Cover Dish Dinner/Business Meeting, THaP Needle Book rows 7, 8 and 9
May - THaP, Needle Book, Complete Rows 10, 11 and 12
June - THaP, Needle Book finishing ideas. Last meeting of the year.
July - Christmas in July
August - Tentative - Salem County Fair
September - Welcome back from summer recess
Show ‘n Tell
A great selection of Show ‘n Tell
Diana T shared a bunch of sweet wool appliqué pieces.
Tiny Modernist Little Witch by Robin T

Websites and Contact Info Interest
Fireside Stitchery -
Smitten by Stitches -
Jerome Thomas Wool Appliqué -
Framer - Bonnie Hiles, 92 Friendship Road, Monroeville, 609-774-2853
We had 18 members present and 2 members participated via Zoom.
Next Meeting - March 13. Doors open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 pm.