Our final meeting of the season turned out to a be great one. We had 23 members present. Unfortunately, we did not have Zoom available for this meeting.
President Joan T welcomed all to the meeting. We had a guest present who was asked to introduce herself. Paula K had seen our display at the Gloucester County Library and decided to come see what we were all about. We hope we see you in the fall Paula!
Joan reported the display at the Gloucester County Library has been set up and well received. Joan worked out how to create a QR code for Lamplighters and incorporated it on our signage. Another tool to make it easier for people to find out about us.
Camp-Stitch-A lot - In September in Painted Post NY - Rooms are still available. This event is similar to Camp WannaStitch held every January in Ocean City, Maryland.
Christmas in July - We will enjoy three teachers and instructions for three Christmas ornaments during the day-long session. Two seats are still open for Christmas in July. The cost is $20. The date is July 20th and will be held at the Holy Nativity Lutheran Church in Wenonah. It will start at 9 am and continue until approximately 3 pm. You should bring your own lunch and beverage. Bringing snacks to share is optional. More details will be sent to those attending in the week before the event.
Salem County Fair - Joan passed a sign up sheet for the Salem County Fair. We will man a table at the fair from 4 to 8 pm each night. The fair is the first week of August. If you are interested in volunteering for an hour or two on one of the nights, please reach out to Joan. We have been well received, gotten good exposure and gained a lot of interest in Lamplighters since we started manning a table two years ago.
Thimble Boxes - We have three thimble boxes left over from our anniversary celebration. Joan circulated a signup sheet for anyone who had not received the thimble box and she will have a drawing with three winners.
Katie C shared a sampler from a WW I veteran. She was interested in knowing of anyplace that may like to have the sampler. Members gave her a good list of places and agencies to contact.
Membership - We currently have 35 members. That includes 5 new members since January 1, 2024. Robin has not received notice yet regarding all 2023 members rejoining. National is still working through the new online enrollment. New members have received their membership cards from National. Robin will issue cards to returning members shortly. She is waiting for more blank cards from National.
Patti N shared information about an artisan faire, the Greenwich Craft Fair, the last weekend in September. It could be a good opportunity for a “stitch in public day”. Contact Patti if you have questions or are interested. It will be at the Gibbon House Property in Greenwich.
Linda W circulated a member survey at the May meeting. She handed out surveys at the June meeting to anyone who was not at the May meeting. The survey is to poll for members ideas, interests and suggestions for future meetings and programs. The Board will review them at an executive meeting during the summer and set the program schedule for 2024 -2025.
Show and Tell
First up, the Caryl C. Show…..
Above, Stitches be Sweet from Jeannette Douglas. Below a coordinating scissors fob.
From Scatters Seeds Samplings
Beautiful Japanese embroidery by Pat L. This is her Phase 10 project. Wow is all I can say.
A virtual class with Hazel Blomchaump, lessons in crewel work, stitched by Pat L.
Pat Y stitch this tribute to camping.
Our program for the evening was given by member Carol E. She spoke about embellishing fabric with stitches. Embroidery is used to personalize for yourself or as a gift. She brought in a selection of stitched squares showing a variety of stitching options.
Look at those embroidered hinges on the outhouse door? (Something I never thought I would ever be saying??!!). And the French knots for the lavender by the door.
Carol used “yo-yo’s” to make the holes in the birdhouses. Vines and ribbon embroidery give the look of wisteria.
Ribbon embroidered sun flowers, a French know foundation bed and daisies everywhere…..
Carol is very good at visualizing where and what kind of stitches to add. Carol gave us many ideas and then she gave us all a similar piece of fabric. It will be fun to see what different stitches and looks we all end up with and bring back in September! Thank you Carol for having us look at a different option for our needles.
Here is a great guide to embroidery stitches. You can also fine stitches on the internet. The Royal School of Needlework has a great online stitch guide
Mine is years old. It is laminated so it has held up well. And guess what, it is available at none other than Amazon!
Over the summer remember to keep stitching those Hearts for Hospice and work on your embroidered piece to show and share in September.
Next meeting - 7 pm, September 20th
Sent to you from Mars.