Announcements and discussions started our monthly meeting.
- Elections are coming. Marion S. will be leading the Nominating Committee. Nominations will be accepted in May and elections will be in June.
- Following the Treasurer's Report, a discussion on finances was held. A future fundraiser, possibly moving to a rent free location and the sale of unwanted stash at Fireside Stitchery were all discussed. Please bring your ideas on possible location and fundraising opportunities for further discussion at the April Business Meeting.
- Lamplighters will continue to reimburse stitchers $30 towards the cost of an EGA sponsored course. Check out the latest edition of the Needlearts magazine for the list of courses offered. If you take an EGA sponsored course, make your request for a once-a-year reimbursement towards the cost.
- Our next meeting will be April 20th. This is not the usually 2nd Thursday of the month. This will be our Annual Covered Dish Dinner. The room will be available at 5 pm and our dinner will start at 6 pm. Following our dinner, Katie K. will lead us in a project called "Interpretative Shape Stitching". This is meant to be a stash busting project. The results will be a varied as the number of stitches participating.
- Christmas in July will be held on July 22, 2017. Linda W. already has some projects chosen—she just needs a couple volunteers to teach and kit the projects. Please consider volunteering. Linda has already accomplished the tough part—making the choices!
- Sign up for the "The Christmas Rose Project" from the December NeedleArts should be done by the June meeting. Joan T. will teach the class over three monthly meetings starting in September 2016.
- We discussed participation in a stitch in public day in conjunction with Arts in Bloom, May 20-21, 2017. The brochures for 2017 have already been printed and it is too late to be included this year. If we want to be included in the brochure for next year, we will need to find a location and finalize plans in the fall. You can read more about the event on their website at Brochures are available at local stores (The Find, Woodstown Dinner, etc.)
Show and Tell for this month -
Beautiful piece by Joan T. |
Joan T.'s collapsing ort box. |
Mill Hill Turkey - maybe by Caryl C. |
Caryl C.'s patriotic pillow. |
Another of Caryl C.'s pretty finishes. |
KarenAnne M.'s stocking from cross stitch magazine. |
Robin T.'s Miss Mary Mack by La-D-Da |
Robin T.'s Love Birds by Drawn Thread |
Joan T.'s beautiful work. The colors are gorgeous. |
Linda W.'s canvas collapsing ort box from our guild SAL. |
Linda W.'s Victoria Sampler inspired cupcakes completed in silicone cupcake 'papers'. |
- Lynn B. led a project. Calling all random threads from your stash. Lynn shared the “Believe” pattern, along with her suggestions for color choices, as well as key things to look out for when working on the project. The sample is stitched on canvas but you can stitch on Aida or even linen if you chose.